October 7th: Operation Enduring War[OEW]*

[Please note:This was written before Christmas 2023 so adjust ur slaughter count accordingly, also note – I have NOT proof read this yet so please try to forgive typos and the unfiltered rage! Edits will follow eventually.] Hey Kids! Its sick! Welcome to “Operation Enduring War”*                 Oct 7th! Hey anybody GET the significance of … More October 7th: Operation Enduring War[OEW]*

Threads or Twitter?Thats?NO CHOICE AT ALL

The ‘choice’! We, the remaining sane people on the planet now have presented to us by the billionaire owned corporate infested social media? is between two petulant man-babies that are now threatening to physically assault each other[how manly!] in a what?A CAGE. Well that detail of their infinitely stupid squabble? IS appropriate. The world would … More Threads or Twitter?Thats?NO CHOICE AT ALL

Spawn of a War Criminal Goes?Down!

Update: Aug 24, 2022 The smug arrogance behind the SMIRK. Liz “I LIKE torture!” Cheney…has…wait for it…Presidential hopes/aspirations. Can you believe it?This vacuous, moronic, self loathing misogynist, homophobic[she pretends not to be but votes otherwise] and racist spawn of a war criminal wants to be the prez of the US of Big Oil! JFC. You … More Spawn of a War Criminal Goes?Down!

Ukraine, American hubris & the calling out of WAR CRIMES

Okay, so now we have the Malarky Man aka Joe the war hawk Biden calling out Putin as a war criminal. Oh my…really?MOFO!!! Kettle?Meet Pot! Oh yes indeed live long enough?You get slimed by hypocrisy and sickened by oil barons like Dick of the Cheney variety, notorious war criminal, yes he IS! smirking in a … More Ukraine, American hubris & the calling out of WAR CRIMES

Anti-Va:Demented spawn of Big Pharma!

The anti-va movement is another outcome of the callous and brutal power of Big Pharma in America. I am here suggesting that counter-intuitively, Big Pharma is RESPONSIBLE! for the rise of the ANTI-VA[anti-vaccination] movement within the United States, and consequently, all over the planet. The US is the ONLY country in the world[save one] that … More Anti-Va:Demented spawn of Big Pharma!

Jill Biden down there with Melania;For this?She is?REWARDED.

This latest bit of straight up propaganda, was digested, consumed and regurgitated exactly as the Biden regime directed the press to do. Jill Biden, posed with her back to the camera and emblazoned on her jacket, there is a word, a word that is supposedly CODE for the new regime and its special mandate. Because … More Jill Biden down there with Melania;For this?She is?REWARDED.

Biden & nuclear proliferation in 2021!:Predictable

An article today, June 14th 2021 asks the question: “Why is Joe Biden Keeping Trump’s Nuclear Expansion Plans in Place?” Thats right…not maintenance or disarmament as WAS in the works not that long ago. Nope! Along with the OBSCENE military budget, old Joe is going full frontal with the STOOPID. The article and many others … More Biden & nuclear proliferation in 2021!:Predictable

COPS! Institutional, violent pornography – FINALLY! Cancelled!

FINALLY! Well, well, well. COPS! A “show” that should never have been allowed on the air…has been…CANCELLED!I still dont know how “COPS” a “show” is LEGAL. How is it legal to show folks in the process of being arrested?On national TV?How is MORAL to show folks before they have even been charged with a crime?How?!!Is … More COPS! Institutional, violent pornography – FINALLY! Cancelled!

Trump and his father:The rotten nut doesnt fall far….

Just a brief post, viewed a video of an OLD protest song by Woody Guthrie about…wait for it…the RACISM of drumpf but not wee donnie…no his pop! That old timey crook and straight up RACIST, Fred Trump. So? posting it! OLD MAN TRUMP: Words by Woody Guthrie, performed by Ryan Harvey[Ani Difranco & Tom Morello]. … More Trump and his father:The rotten nut doesnt fall far….

Rick Wilson, the Lincoln Project & playing at activism.

Oh dear!Rick Wilson and the RWNJs of The Lincoln Project are…wait for it…pissed!Oh yes, they have found that their latest anti-trump ad will NOT be aired on ABC; we all know why, but apparently, its news!to Rick. I truly despise men like Rick Wilson, a RWNJ who has turned on trump.  He has not, however … More Rick Wilson, the Lincoln Project & playing at activism.